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Showing 2 posts in Election & Campaign Finance Law.

A Guide to Regulating Petition Circulators: Best Practices and Key Considerations

Petition Circulator Getting Signatures Petition circulators play a crucial role in democratic processes, but managing their activities can be challenging for public entities. Balancing petitioners' rights with the need to maintain public order and access to facilities requires a clear understanding of legal principles and practical considerations. This guide provides an overview of best practices and key considerations for effectively regulating petition circulators in various public settings. Read More ›

Categories: Campaign Finance (MCFA), Candidates and Committees, Election & Campaign Finance Law, First Amendment, Personal Publicity Rights

Supreme Court Rules that Elections Must Abide by State Laws

I Voted Sticker on GavelThe United States Supreme Court recently ruled that state legislatures must abide by the election laws of their respective states.[1]  Read More ›

Categories: Election & Campaign Finance Law, Legislative Updates, U.S. Supreme Court